Conference organizers
FGBNU Kursk Federal Agrarian Scientific Center
Agrarian Scientific Center
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Southwestern
State University".
Nonprofit organization "Union of Sugar Producers of Russia
Committee of Agroindustrial Complex of Kursk region
Conference topics
Priority directions of development of innovative technologies in farming and crop production.
Topical issues of breeding and seed production of grain crops.
Modern problems of plant protection.
Organization of production of competitive food and fodder products from sugar beet.
Innovative development of food and processing industry.
Prospects for increasing productivity and disease prevention in animals.

Section 1. Problems of breeding and breeding of grain crops.
Section 2. Priority directions of innovative technologies development in agriculture and crop production. Modern Problems of Plant Protection.
Section 3. Innovative development of food and processing industry.
Section 4. Prospects of Increasing Productivity and Disease Prevention in Animals.
More than 100 people are expected to participate in the conference (offline or online)
Based on the results of the conference, a collection of reports will be published, which will have an ISBN and DOI, and will be placed in the Russian Science Citation Index database.